
Speaker 1

Date & Time : 6th May 2022 ; 5pm
Venue : IIC, South Campus, University of Delhi, Near Benito Juarez road.
Registration Fees : Rs.30/Person

Round details

Preliminary round:- Short term matches (Doubles 11 match point rounds)
Final round:- Best of 2 out of 3, 21 point rounds for semi-final and final.


An umpire, aided by a service judge and line judges, presides over a Badminton contest. Before the beginning of the contest, the umpire flips a coin. The winning athlete or pair can choose to serve or receive first or choose its side of the court.
To score a point, athletes have to hit the shuttlecock over the net with their rackets
so that it lands on the opponent’s side. An athlete or pair loses the point if the shuttlecock hits the net, lands outside the court or if he or she commits a fault. The most common faults occur when:
1. The shuttlecock hits the athlete
2. The athlete’s racket or body touches the net
3. The shuttlecock hits the ground before passing over the net
4. The shuttlecock is hit twice.

For More Details Contact :
Rajshri : 7000521169
Ayush singh : 8252519570