
Speaker 1

Online Photography contest on Instagram Platform.
You can submit your Entry here.
Judgement is purely based on the online engagement on the post. Points will be given are as follows:
Like : +1 , Comment : +3, Share: +5, Save: +10 will be considered in case of tie.
Result will be announced on 7th May, 2022 on our Instagram page

The competition is open to all the students
Each participant can submit one photograph based on the theme "75 years of independence Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav" Only basic editing is allowed

You are required to provide a unique title and description (15 to 25 words)
The entries, abide by all the rules and regulations will only be accepted

For More Details Contact :
Harshita : 7982156157
Nandini : 7011714665